Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hey don't worry am not retiring , did you think I am ? lolzzz., Just a thought came into my mind and am writing about it people, What exactly is retirement?

Retirement - A word which is never easy for a people people who actually do am I laughing here as I am still young and doing fine and laugh right now thinking when people say the word retirement as people always do think of retirement as a fun way (the one who are not ) but about the people who are actually are this word is end of life for them,

The son who always used to take his father's advice now tells him "Chill out dad i don't need your suggestion I can take my own calls"

The mother who always sits in front of the TV as she is retired now gets to hear things like "Hey mom please don't waste the electricity as I am working very hard for the bills" ( weren't the bills there when you were a child and used to play games and watch matches, cartoons.)

People always think I am retired now what should I do now only one thing left sit and wait .... wait for what ? wait for the right time to speak If they get the chance too ,

My next post life for people after retirement..... to be continued......


  1. Anonymous said...
    nice post dude...wana hav link exchange...mail at
    Anonymous said...
    hmm.. a good post..

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